Via Togliatti 18, 43013 Langhirano (PR) Italia
Phone +39 (0521) 857327 - fax +39 (0521) 861350
Reg. Imp. n. PR18539, R.E.A. n. PR167329
Partita IVA: 01619140344

Information pursuant to article 13 of decree law n.196/2003 byMicron s.r.l. as holder of data treatment:
1. Data collected upon submission of questions shall be treated for processing and submission of required answers;
2. Data shall be treated through IT procedures or paper documents;
3. Data shall not be disclosed in any way;

Micron s.r.l. - Via Togliatti, 18 - 43013 Langhirano (PR) - Phone +39 0521857327

Partita iva: 01619140344